Friday, January 8, 2010

Photoshoot with Kyle and Pam

So, I met a girl named Rachel at The Village in PA this summer. Then in the Fall I see her there again and she is with her friend Pam. I was telling them that they should do a photo shoot. Well Rachel didn't have much interest but Pam was definitely interested. She asked if she could do a shoot with her boyfriend, Kyle and I said, "Sure!"

We were supposed to get snow in the next few days, so 48 hours and 12 inches of snow later, we ended up with these...

Photoshoot with Jessica

Jessica and I met this summer and didn't really have much contact, but I know she would look great doing a shoot so, I called her up and here are the results. I hope to work with her again. Again it was FREEZING outside so we didn't have a lot of time but she was a trooper and toughed it out. So did I, mind you! lol

Photoshoot with Alyssa

First I want to say, Alyssa is awesome! She is amazing to work with and is very easy to get along with. You can help but love her. I was lucky to get to work with her.

This first set was at her house in D.C. where she had some pretty fun ideas, We started outside which was FREEZING so we didn't stay long. She has a big heart and is always trying to make a difference and doesn't let society tell her who to be. The sign was her idea and I loved it.

When inside she had an idea for fashion but in a bathroom which seemed fun and I think the pictures turned out pretty awesome. We took close to 300 pictures in all. Here are some of my favs.